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Syracuse(NY) Alumni Chapter
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Celebrating 51 Years of Achievement, Leadership and Service!
In March 1993, the Syracuse Alumni chapter dedicated a scholarship in memory of Three Syracuse Alumni Chapter Charter Members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. M. Gilbert Kirkland. Brother Kirkland was affectionately known as the “Godfather” of the Chapter. He attended Virginia Union University and served in the United States Army. During World War II, he served in Italy, France, and Germany. After the war, he returned to further his education at Virginia Union University. He became a very active member of the fraternity.
In 2002, the scholarship fund received a generous bequest from the family of Brother Merle R. Greene who was also a founding member of the chapter. Brother Greene was a retired United States Army Captain. After his military service, he joined Crucible Steel as a marketing manager. He is remembered for his wit, wisdom, and dedication to the Syracuse Alumni Chapter.
Since 1993, the Syracuse (NY) Alumni Chapter has raised over $30,000 in scholarships and has been blessed to present $1,000 awards annually to deserving African American high school males from the Syracuse community. As Kappa Men, we are proud of our past scholarship winners and the part we orchestrated in helping these scholarship winners achieve their goals.
1. Filimon Tekle- State University of New York Institute of Technology
2. Quamell Mobley - University of Buffalo
Uriel Clayton - Syracuse University
Michael Jennings - Syracuse University
Darius Marson - New York University
Lloyd Clayton - Medialle College
Rayshon Mason - Syracuse University
Joshua Campbell - LeMonye College
Evan Davis - SUNY Purchase
Tyrone Goodman - SUNY Alfred State
Johmarr Olgetree - SUNY Canton
Phyllip Martin - Sienna College
Robert Short - Hampton University
Terrell Burgess - Erie Community College
*SUNY - State University of New York
Donate By Mail:
Issue a check payable to Central New York Community Foundation. In the Memo Section, inscribe Kappa Alpha Psi – Scholarship. The CNYCF’s EIN number is 15-0626910.

Send your donation to the address below:
Central New York Community Foundation
431 East Fayette StreetSuite 100
Syracuse, NY 13202Tel: 315.422.9538

Donate Online (Securely):
To access the online donations secure site please click here.
It is under the umbrella and managed by the Central New York Community foundation (CNYCF). The CNYCF’s EIN number is 15-0626910.
All donors will be provided an acknowledgement letter; in addition, online donors will be provided an electronic transfer notification.

For more information please contact Brother Jose Cruz @
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