Syracuse(NY) Alumni Chapter
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Celebrating 51 Years of Achievement, Leadership and Service!

Thank you for visiting Kappa Alpha Psi – Syracuse (NY) Alumni, Home of the 28th Grand Polemarch Ronald R. Young. We welcome you to the Chapter’s Website. Syracuse Alumni was chartered on September 29, 1973 by 12 dynamic men. Celebrating 50 years of Service in the Public Interest in Central New York. We are growing as a chapter each year and continuing to make our mark in Central New York. We welcome you and look forward to fellowshipping with you at our upcoming Community and/or Social events. Any questions or inquiries, feel free to contact us at
We believe in Family, Fraternity, Fellowship, and Achievement. - The Salt City Nupes!
~ David E. Cadet

Happenings in Kappa Land

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